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June 15, 2020 Membership Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Corrina Guardipee-Hall, Browning; Dan Schmidt, Poplar; Yancy Beston, Frazer; Jim Baldwin, Arlee; Several schools attended via Zoom. Those noted were Dawn Bishop-Moore,Harlem; Beth Howe-Yarlott, Hardin; Cristy Wright, Wyola; Chad Johnson, Hardin; Mike Perry, Hot Springs; and Voyd St.Pierre, Rocky Boy.

2. MQEC Report: Chad Johnson, IISM Representative to MQEC Board reported that MQEC has a list of Legislative Resolutions that include: support funding, teacher recruitment, unfund charter schools, defeat assault against public schools, etc. Chad Johnson will remain as MQEC Representative.

3 & 4. Future of Executive Director and Future of Organization: Executive Director Lynda Brannon stated that there were apparently member schools threatening to not join IISM in the coming year if the Executive Director remained in the position while living in Idaho. The Executive Director stated that it has taken a long time for IISM to be a viable organization and rather that cause controversy within the organization stated that she is resigning out of the position. Corrina Guardipee-Hall moved to accept the verbal resignation, Yancy Beston seconded. Ayes: all but 1. Nays: Dan Schmidt . Corrina Guardipee-Hall, Jim Baldwin and Cristy Wright thanked Lynda for her years of service.

Yancy Beston moved to keep Lynda on as a consultant at a negotiated amount with the board. Corrina Guardipee-Hall seconded the motion. Ayes: All.

5. Financial Reports: Lynda Brannon presented the financial reports of the organization. The organization has a bank balance of $24,225.15 at the time of the meeting. Through reducing expenditures and increasing dues, the organization is in a much better financial position this year than last year when the organization was in the hole.

6. Adoption of Budget for 20-21 School Year: In light of the resignation, the membership was presented with several budgets. The new board will put together the annual budget. Corrina Guardipee- Hall moves the organization adopt a $90,177 Budget and dues remain the same as last year, Dan Schmidt seconded . Ayes all.

7. Election of Officers for the 20-21 School year. Yancy Beston nominated Corrina Guardipee-Hall as President. Jim Baldwin seconded. Ayes: all. Corrina Guardipee-Hall moved Yancy Beston for Vice-President. Dan Schmidt seconded. Ayes: all. Past President will remain Voyd St. Pierre. Dan Schmidt moved Chad Johnson, Dawn Bishop-Moore, Beth Howe-Yarlott and Dan Schmidt be Directors. Yancy Beston seconded. Ayes: all.

Dan Schmidt moved to adjourn. Yancy Beston seconded

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